Password Recovery 重设密码


忘记密码这回事,总会出现;又或是一只被遗下已久的网络仪器,想用时又不知道是谁设了密码,这些时候就要重设密码了。网上很容易找到一些 Cisco Router 或 Switch 重设密码的方法,却没有详细解释个中原理,只顾跟着做的话,很快又忘记了。本文尝试从了解开机步骤来带出重设密码的原理。

890/1900/2900 系列 Router 开机步骤

现在先了解一下 Router 的开机步骤,从按下开机制开始,Console 画面就会出现一大堆讯息,过程有点像一般个人电脑刚开机时那样。

  1. POST (Power On Self Test) – 首先 Router 会自我检查一下。
    Initializing Hardware ...
    Checking for PCIe device presence...done
    System integrity status: 0x610
    Rom image verified correctly
  2. 载入 Bootstrap – 然後会载入一个叫 Bootstrap 的程式,就是一个很基本的系统,用作稍後载入 OS (即 IOS) 之用。
    System Bootstrap, Version 16.7(1r), RELEASE SOFTWARE
    Copyright (c) 1994-2017  by cisco Systems, Inc.
  3. 读取 Configuration Register – 重要!这时 Bootstrap 会读取一个 16Bits 叫 Configuration Register 的值,预设为 0x2102,即二进数 0010 0001 0000 0010,每个位元有不同的作用,一般情况下不会更改,详情可参考 Cisco 文档。但要重设密码最重要的是看第 6 Bit (最右面数起是第 0 Bit): 0010 0001 0000 0010,这个 Bit 可控制 Router 要不要跳过读取 Startup Configuration,预设 0 是不跳过 (即读取),设成 1 则是跳过 (即不读取)。但开机时是看不到 Configuration Register 的值,只有在开机後用 Show Version 才可看到。
    Router>show version
    Cisco IOS Software, C2900 Software (C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, 
         RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 15:23 by prod_rel_team
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    <--Output Omitted-->
    Technology Package License Information for Module:'c2900'
    Technology    Technology-package          Technology-package
                  Current       Type          Next reboot
    ipbase        ipbasek9      Permanent     ipbasek9
    security      securityk9    Permanent     securityk9
    uc            uck9          Permanent     uck9
    data          datak9        Permanent     datak9
    Configuration register is 0x2102
  4. 载入 IOS – 依 Flash丶TFTP 和 ROM 的次序载入 IOS,即是我们常常看见很多 # 号那个时刻。
    IOS Image Load Test 
    Digitally Signed Production Software 
    Self decompressing the image : ################################################
  5. 载入 Startup Configuration – 跟据 Configuration Register 的值决定是否载入 Startup Configuration。如果没有载入或 Startup Configuration 不存在,就会询问是否进行 Initial Configuration,就像打开一台新机一样。
             --- System Configuration Dialog ---
    Enable secret warning
    In order to access the device manager, an enable secret is required
    If you enter the initial configuration dialog, you will be prompted for the enable secret
    If you choose not to enter the intial configuration dialog, or if you exit setup without setting the enable secret,
    please set an enable secret using the following CLI in configuration mode-
    enable secret 0 
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:

无论是 Console 密码丶Enable 密码都是储存在 Startup Configuration 之中,然後被载入至 Running Configuration。然而修改 Configuration 需要 Enable 密码,重设密码的哲学在於「如何在不用密码的情况下进入 Enable Mode (或称 Privilege Mode)?」

891/1950/2901 Router 重设密码步骤

所以,重设密码的策略在於开机时需跳过载入 Startup Configuration,在没有任何密码的情况下进入 Enable Mode,然後手动载入 Configuration 并修改密码,详细步骤如下:

  1. 启动 Router,於 IOS 被载入时按键盘 Ctrl-Break (如 Mac 可按 Ctrl-Delete) 中断载入,并进入 rommon 模式。
    System Bootstrap, Version 15.4(1r)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    Total memory size = 512 MB
    Field Upgradeable ROMMON Integrity test 
    ROM: Digitally Signed Production Software
    platform with 524288 Kbytes of main memory
    Main memory is configured to 32 bit mode 
    Upgrade ROMMON initialized
    IOS Image Load Test 
    Digitally Signed Production Software 
    Self decompressing the image : ###########################
    monitor: command "boot" aborted due to user interrupt
    rommon 1 >
  2. rommon 是一个 Debug Tool,平时很少使用,可以做一些档案管理和修改参数,按 ? 再按 <ENTER> 可以看到可用的指令。而我们想要做的是修改 Configuration Register,由 0x2102 改成 0x2142,指令是 confreg 2142,然後用指令 reset 重新开机。
    rommon 1 > ?
    alias               set and display aliases command
    boot                boot up an external process
    confreg             configuration register utility
    dev                 list the device table
    dir                 list files in file system
    help                monitor builtin command help
    history             monitor command history
    meminfo             main memory information
    repeat              repeat a monitor command
    reset               system reset
    set                 display the monitor variables
    showmon             display currently selected ROM monitor
    sync                write monitor environment to NVRAM
    token               display board's unique token identifier
    unalias             unset an alias
    unset               unset a monitor variable
    rommon 2 > confreg 2142
    You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
    rommon 3 > reset
    Resetting .......
  3. 这次开机让它载入 IOS,最後因为没有载入 Startup Configuration 而出现 Initial Configuration Dialog 模式,输入 no 跳过,这时不用密码也可进入 Enable Mode 了。
             --- System Configuration Dialog ---
    Enable secret warning
    In order to access the device manager, an enable secret is required
    If you enter the initial configuration dialog, you will be prompted for the enable secret
    If you choose not to enter the intial configuration dialog, or if you exit setup without setting the enable secret,
    please set an enable secret using the following CLI in configuration mode-
    enable secret 0 
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
  4. 由於刚才跳过了载入 Startup Configuration,现在手动把 Startup Configuration 抄写至 Running Configuration,现在可以修改密码了,最後别忘记 write memory 把 Configuration 储存至 Startup Configuration。
    Router#copy startup-config running-config
    Destination filename [running-config]?
    Router#configure terminal
    Router(config)#enable secret cisco
    Router#write memory 
    Building configuration...
  5. 重新开机,再次按键盘 Ctrl-Break (如 Mac 可按 Ctrl-Delete) 进入 rommon 模式,把 Configuration Register 回复至 0x2102 并重新开机,重设密码的步骤便完成了。
    rommon 1 > confreg 2102
    You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
    rommon 2 > reset
    Resetting .......

2900/3500 系列 Switch 开机步骤

传统 2900 及 3500 系列,没有 Configuration Register 概念,开机步骤如下:

  1. POST (Power On Self Test) – 自我检查一下。
  2. flash_init – 载入一个叫 flash_init 的小程式,用作读取 flash 里的档案。
    Initializing Flash...
    mifs[2]: 12 files, 1 directories
    mifs[2]: Total bytes     :    1806336
    mifs[2]: Bytes used      :     831488
    mifs[2]: Bytes available :     974848
    mifs[2]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[3]: 0 files, 1 directories
    mifs[3]: Total bytes     :    3870720
    mifs[3]: Bytes used      :       1024
    mifs[3]: Bytes available :    3869696
    mifs[3]: mifs fsck took 1 seconds.
    mifs[4]: 5 files, 1 directories
    mifs[4]: Total bytes     :     258048
    mifs[4]: Bytes used      :       8192
    mifs[4]: Bytes available :     249856
    mifs[4]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[5]: 5 files, 1 directories
    mifs[5]: Total bytes     :     258048
    mifs[5]: Bytes used      :       8192
    mifs[5]: Bytes available :     249856
    mifs[5]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[6]: 5 files, 2 directories
    mifs[6]: Total bytes     :   57931776
    mifs[6]: Bytes used      :   16562688
    mifs[6]: Bytes available :   41369088
    mifs[6]: mifs fsck took 9 seconds.
    ...done Initializing Flash.
  3. 载入 IOS – 依 Flash丶TFTP 和 ROM 的次序载入 IOS。
  4. 载入 Startup Configuration – 如 Flash 中有 config.text 这个档案则载入,否则进入 System Configuration Dialog 模式。

由於 2900 及 3500 系列的 Switch 没有 Configuration Register,要跳过载入 Startup Configuration 只需在 flash 把 config.text 档名改掉便可。

2950/2960/3550/3560 Switch 重设密码步骤

  1. Switch 没有开关按钮,一插电制便开机了,在插电制的同时按着面版上的 Mode 按钮,直至 Switch 进入 Password-recovery 模式。password-recovery


    Using driver version 3 for media type 1
    Base ethernet MAC Address: aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
    Xmodem file system is available.
    The password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
    The system has been interrupted prior to initializing the
    flash filesystem.  The following commands will initialize
    the flash filesystem, and finish loading the operating 
    system software:
  2. 输入 flash_init 挂载 flash 档案系统,然後输入 dir flash: 应可看到 flash 里面的档案列表。
    switch: flash_init
    Initializing Flash...
    mifs[2]: 12 files, 1 directories
    mifs[2]: Total bytes     :    1806336
    mifs[2]: Bytes used      :     831488
    mifs[2]: Bytes available :     974848
    mifs[2]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[3]: 0 files, 1 directories
    mifs[3]: Total bytes     :    3870720
    mifs[3]: Bytes used      :       1024
    mifs[3]: Bytes available :    3869696
    mifs[3]: mifs fsck took 1 seconds.
    mifs[4]: 5 files, 1 directories
    mifs[4]: Total bytes     :     258048
    mifs[4]: Bytes used      :       8192
    mifs[4]: Bytes available :     249856
    mifs[4]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[5]: 5 files, 1 directories
    mifs[5]: Total bytes     :     258048
    mifs[5]: Bytes used      :       8192
    mifs[5]: Bytes available :     249856
    mifs[5]: mifs fsck took 0 seconds.
    mifs[6]: 5 files, 2 directories
    mifs[6]: Total bytes     :   57931776
    mifs[6]: Bytes used      :   16562688
    mifs[6]: Bytes available :   41369088
    mifs[6]: mifs fsck took 9 seconds.
    ...done Initializing Flash.
    switch: dir flash:
    Directory of flash:/
        2  -rwx  1492      <date>               config.text
        3  -rwx  16353536  <date>               c2960s-universalk9-mz.152-1.E.bin
        4  -rwx  5         <date>               private-config.text
        5  -rwx  3096      <date>               multiple-fs
        6  drwx  512       <date>               dc_profile_dir
    41369088 bytes available (16562688 bytes used)
  3. 把 flash 里面的 config.text 更改档案名成 config.bak,然後用指令 boot 开始载入 IOS。
    switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.bak
    switch: boot
    Loading "flash:c2960s-universalk9-mz.152-1.E.bin"...@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  4. 由於系统找不到 config.text,因而没法载入 Startup Configuration 而出现 Initial Configuration Dialog 模式,输入 no 跳过,这时不用密码也可进入 Enable Mode 了。
             --- System Configuration Dialog ---
    Enable secret warning
    In order to access the device manager, an enable secret is required
    If you enter the initial configuration dialog, you will be prompted for the enable secret
    If you choose not to enter the intial configuration dialog, or if you exit setup without setting the enable secret,
    please set an enable secret using the following CLI in configuration mode-
    enable secret 0 
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
  5. 把 flash:config.bak 改回 flash:config.text,然後把 startup-config 抄至 running-config,现在可以修改密码了,最後别忘记 write memory 把 Configuration 储存至 Startup Configuration。重设密码步骤完成。
    Switch#rename flash:config.bak flash:config.text
    Switch#copy startup-config running-config
    Switch#configure terminal
    Switch(config)#enable secret cisco
    Switch#write memory 
    Building configuration...

3650/3850 Switch 重设密码步骤

从 3650 开始,Switch 的 IOS 改用 Linux Base,重设密码方法又有点不同,步骤如下:

  1. 在插电制时先按着面版上的 Mode 去中断正常开机程序。
  2. 输入指令 SWITCH_IGNORE_STARTUP_CFG=1 (全大写),这样就会跳过载入 Startup Configuration。
    Interface GE 0 link down***ERROR: PHY link is down
    The system has been interrupted prior to initializing some
    filesystems and loading the operating system software.
    Console will be reset to 9600 baud rate, need to change terminal setting first.
    The following commands will initialize the remaining filesystems, 
    and finish loading the operating system software:
  3. 输入指令 flash_initboot 把 IOS 载入。
  4. 系统进入 Initial Configuration Dialog 模式,输入 no 跳过,这时不用密码也可进入 Enable Mode 了。
             --- System Configuration Dialog ---
    Enable secret warning
    In order to access the device manager, an enable secret is required
    If you enter the initial configuration dialog, you will be prompted for the enable secret
    If you choose not to enter the intial configuration dialog, or if you exit setup without setting the enable secret,
    please set an enable secret using the following CLI in configuration mode-
    enable secret 0 
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no
  5. 由於刚才跳过了载入 Startup Configuration,所以手动把 Startup Configuration 抄写至 Running Configuration,现在可以修改密码了,最後别忘记 write memory 把 Configuration 储存至 Startup Configuration。
    Switch#copy startup-config running-config
    Destination filename [running-config]?
    Switch#configure terminal
    Switch(config)#enable secret cisco
    Switch#write memory 
    Building configuration...
  6. 重新开机,再次按住 mode 按钮去中断正常开机程序,把 SWITCH_IGNORE_STARTUP_CFG 的值改回 0,然後输入指令 flash_initboot 继续开机程序。重设密码步骤完成。
    Interface GE 0 link down***ERROR: PHY link is down
    The system has been interrupted prior to initializing some
    filesystems and loading the operating system software.
    Console will be reset to 9600 baud rate, need to change terminal setting first.
    The following commands will initialize the remaining filesystems, 
    and finish loading the operating system software:



Posted In: 基本网络知识 Basic Concept